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Legacy Beneficiaries invited to Government House

Posted on | By Legacy

On Friday 3rd February some of our Legacy beneficiaries were invited to Government House for afternoon tea with the Governor-General to celebrate Legacy’s 100th year.

It was an honour to have beneficiaries from all over Australia attend for a very special and exciting afternoon hosted by Legacy’s patron, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and Mrs Hurley.

The Governor-General spoke about the collective impact that Legacy has had on so many with a century of care and compassion.

“One of the four characteristics of the Anzac legacy is mateship. To me, ‘mateship’ means that we look after our mates while we are in uniform and we keep looking after them once the job is done, he said.

“That isn’t an ethereal concept to Legacy. For 100 years, members of Legacy and their forebears have made it a reality.

“Since that promise made in the trenches of the Western Front – ‘I’ll look after the missus and kids’ — Legacy has been there for our mates.

“It is a commitment that endures to this day. And it is a commitment that will continue to endure — such is the character of the people involved in Legacy.”

Many lasting memories were created for our beneficiaries, and we would like to thank the Governor General and Mrs Hurley for hosting us.


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