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Share Your Story

If you or someone you know has been touched by Legacy, please get in touch so we may share this with others.

Share your story today

Whether you’re a young family who has received support, an ageing widow who has been helped to combat social isolation, a dependant with a disability given lifestyle and independence skills, one of our dedicated ‘Legatees’ who provides the care and assistance Legacy is known for, or a volunteer, we would love to hear first hand what Legacy means to you.

How to share your story

We’d love to hear from you. Just fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you soon. Alternatively, please get in touch via calling 1800 LEGACY (534 229) or emailing [email protected]

  • Your Details

    Please note we will only publish your First Name and State on the site and no other details about you. The following contact information is for Legacy’s records only in case we need to make contact with you.

  • Your Story

  • By submitting your story, you are giving us permission to publish it on our website and share across our social media.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 300 MB.
      This will be the large image associated with your story. Image should me minimum 900px wide. File formats accepted: jpg, gif, png, jpeg